Danes je dan za palačinke!!! Naj bodo le te zdrave in predvsem okusne. Zopet sem navadnim palačinkam odstranila belo moko in dodala nekaj mojih sestavin; pirina moka, mandljev napitek, jogurt in kokosovo olje. Naj še povem nekaj o kokosovem olju, razlikuje se od ostalih olj po vsebnosti večkrat nenasičenih maščob, vsebnosti aminokislin,.. zanimivo pa je tudi to, da prenese visoke temperature obdelave.
Sestavine za približno 5 palačink:
5 žlic polnozrnate pirine moke,
ščepec soli,
1 žličko kokosovega
olja - odda posebno aromo,
2 žlici jogurta,
1 dcl mandljevega napitka,
Ponev za peko palačink.
Skupaj zmešajte suhe sestavine in med mešanjem postopoma dodajte
jogurt in mandljev napitek. Na segreto ponev dodajte kokosovo olje in vlijte
maso za palačinke.
EN translate
Today is day for pancakes!!! Let this pancakes be more healthy and delitious! Again and again I do recepies without unhealthy ingredients and adding healthy ones. I changed white flour with wholegrain spelt flour and add yogurt and coconut oil. Let me say something about coconut oil, it's special because it contains alot of amino acids and many times unsaturated fats,.. and coconut oil bears high temperatures, this is interesting! :)
Ingredients for 5 pancakes:
5 tbsp wholegrain spelt flour,
pinch of salt,
1 tsp of coconut
oil - adds apecial aroma,
2 tbsp of yogurt,
1 dcl almond
Pan for pancakes.
Mix all dry ingredients together and between stiring add almond
drink and yogurt. On heated pan give coconut oil and pour the pancake mixture.
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