torek, 24. januar 2017

Okusni ingverjevi poljubčki : delitious ginger kisses

Imate radi ingver? Jaz ga imam, tako kot tele posebne piškotke :D So zdravi, zalo okusni in popolnoma preprosti :)


150 g polnozrnate ržene moke
150 g polnozrnate pirine moke.
50 g ingverja.
50 g kamutove moke.
300 ml  vode. 
100 ml jogurta, jaz sem uporabila ovčjega.
1 žlici medu. 
2 žlički kokosovega olja. 
2 čajni žlički sode bikarbone. 
2 žlici kakava v prahu

Pečico segrejte na 180 °C in jo dajte na program ventilacijske peke.

Začnite z suhimi sestavinami. Te najprej skupaj premešajte. Potem dodajajte vodo, jogurt in olje. Naribajte ingver in ga skupaj z medom dodajte zmesi.   
P.s. so nekoliko trši vendar zelo okusni :)


EN translate

Hey there!

Do you like ginger? I love him, like this specific cookies:D They are healthy, tasty and actually completely simple :)


150g wholemeal rye flour
150g wholemeal spelled flour.
50g ginger.
50 g camut chlorosan flour.
100 ml yogurt, I used sheep.
300 ml of water.
1 tbsp honey.
2 teaspoons of coconut oil.
2 teaspoons baking soda.
2 tbsp of cocoa in powder

Preheat oven to 180 ° C and place on the baking program on ventilation.

Start with the dry ingredients. These first mix together. Then add water, yougurt and oil. Grate ginger and mix it with honey than add to the mixture.
P.s. They are a litle bit firmer but very tasty ;)


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